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Recently, a survey conducted by university professiors suggests that students in university don't take any course serious until the final exams come. It means university students are not really studying on their daily life, and only pick up their books for a short term. As you can imagine, students just throw away their text books when the final exams passed.
As far as I am concerned, that all the university students wanted is passing the final exams is the main reason why university students mostly study near the end of the semester. Unlike the high school students, most university students are lack of the passion to pursuit the knowledge. In their minds, the key is safely get the graduate certificate, so they don't have to spend more time and extra efforts to study. Speaking on that, the tedious and unpractial classes might have something do with this problem.
In my personal opinion, I think there are serveal ways to help university students study. Firstly, the classes should be more funny. Apart from the contents of text books, teachers should add more connected contents which the students are concerned about. Secondly, teachers should have some different ways to display their courses instead of the old, boring way which is teachers talk and students listen. Then teachers can invite their students into the teaching parts, get students more involved in what they are studying. Last but not least, teachers can transform the credits into the daily study, like answering the question or having some excellent good points of views will gain an extra credit. In that case, I think university students will not only studying for the final exams any more.

[460640]A Better Way to Teach University Students
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "A Better Way to Teach University Students". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 
1. 有许多大学生平时不学习,只在期末时临时备考;
2. 原因是什么;
3. 你认为大学老师应该如何改进授课方式。
college stutents, no study after class, lazy, be up all night, cram for final exams, stress too much on final exams, scores decide the quality of students, change the way of teaching, build up formative assessment system ,value the original performance
