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Should We Encourage Early Schooling ?
With the advancement of techology and opening of culture , a great amount of parents tend to be awared of eduateing and raising their children after thinking about their loss future . To our suprises , many of them have been considering of their children ' education earily despite of the children's age and thoughts . In ancient times , the parents were supported to educate children after they growed . Nowadays , in 21th centuries , children attend kinggardens or primary school at the age of three or more eariler .
However , everything has their two sides just like the coins has their two sides . On the one hand , this phenomenon has its advantandges . For one thing , it is helpful for children to raise theri skill and interesting such as the potention of drawing and singing . For another , it is important for our society to discover and support the children who are full of geunis and may be contritude to the country . On the other hand , if we couldn't pay more attention to the process of the children's motional changes , we might loss and kill the small life . Because the parents put more suddern on the children. What's worse , many of them might be the crimers .
From my viewpoints , we should take some efficient measures to adviod the pesstimistic way . First of all , goverments are supported to make some policy to limit the age children should attend the school . Secondly , parents should attche more importance to chlidren's grow including the personlity and psychology as well as the beavrior . Finally , not only the teachers and schools concern about the education of children but also theri skills and interesting in order to keep theri passion with the study and increase their scare of school .I believe that the children' future would be brighter within theri control if we do .

[460644]Should We Encourage Early Schooling?
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Should We Encourage Early Schooling?". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 许多家长让小孩很早就上学读书;
2. 这种现象的好处和坏处;
3. 你觉得该怎么做。
many parents, encourage, early schooling, advantage, learn more knowledge, less time for playing, disadvantage, less creative, formal education, too yong to focus attention , not ready for conprehension and memorizing, easy to develop the habits to study, shorten the period of study, change the content of study, happy learning
