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Nowadays, more and more adults make their children to go to school early,particulaly in the developed cities. Obviously, adults hope children can gain more knowledge and the most important thing is they think their behaviours will be benificial to their children's futrue.
Why not the adults make their children go to school when children grow the suitable age. On the one hand, going to school early can help children study more even improve their relationship with other. Besides, children who go to school early can bring themselves up to adopt the school life. This is a good way for the children's growth. But on the other hand,if the children's personalities are little shy, I don't think go to school early is a useful way. Because a child still likes to stay with his mother at home , but his mother demands him has to go to school. It is possible to cause the child doesn't like study , even influence his school life and his childhood.
In the opinion of mine, I am a student who go to school early .I went to school when I was five. I feels happy I go to school early because I have liked study until I still stay at the kinggardent .So my mother make me goto school early.I enjoyde I am younger than my classmates untill now.So I think if the child enjoy the school life ,his or her mother can considerate take her child to school .

[460644]Should We Encourage Early Schooling?
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Should We Encourage Early Schooling?". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 许多家长让小孩很早就上学读书;
2. 这种现象的好处和坏处;
3. 你觉得该怎么做。
many parents, encourage, early schooling, advantage, learn more knowledge, less time for playing, disadvantage, less creative, formal education, too yong to focus attention , not ready for conprehension and memorizing, easy to develop the habits to study, shorten the period of study, change the content of study, happy learning
