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With the developing of the technology,computers are coming into everyone's life.They make our learning and studying more conveint while they also bring us more problems,for example,the Video Games.
More and more children are addicted to them.They diversify the children's dreaming world,force them staying at home day and night without taking exercise or even going to school.It has been studyed out that 20% children in the world play at least 3 hours video games everyday and 70% between them have no good friends.What matters coming with the Video games are the terrible harm to both children's mental and fhysical health.They spead too much time sitting in front of the computer so that they become ill more easily.The too close distance between themslves and the computer causes the worse condition of their eyesight.
It seems that the situation of the terrible effect on the children is bad enough. But in my opinion, it can be stopped . How to slove the problem? Maybe our parents can make some rules to protect their children from the net addition and spead more time in going on a spring travel or going to a park with their chlidren. Giving the little children more love and making them feel the beauty of the true world.

[460649]My View on Video Games
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Video Games". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 现在很多孩子沉迷电子游戏;
2. 这对孩子的身体和心理都有影响;
3. 如何解决这个问题。
vedio games, popular among students, addict to, bad influenc on health and psychology, violent games, harmful to children both physically and mentally, undesiralbe consequences, distinguish good or bad vedio games, limit screen time
