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Crossing the Street While Playing with the Phone
In our life , crossing the street while playing with the phone ---a mistake 75% of the people make the every day.The big question is why.I think the reason why is beacuse people don't relized it is a very dangers thing.
If we crossing the street while playing with the phone ,we will can't see the dangers,such as,we can't do the right changes in fast,also we can't find the car is coming nearly to us.It may let us to lost life or make us hurt.It's not only bad for us but also can make others unconscious.
But if chances are you"ll be safe then before.accident serious can happend less then before.If you want play phone very much,you can after cross the street,because it is a very improtan thing about our safe.
In the end,I hope everyone can prefer to crossing the street without the phone.When the car traving nearly to each one ,we can find it on time.

[460641]Crossing the Street While Playing with the Phone
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Crossing the Street While Playing with the Phone". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 现在过马路玩手机的现象屡见不鲜;
2. 危害有哪些;
3. 有什么解决办法。
increasing of using cellphone, crossing street, playing cellphone, exert negative influence on health, do bad to eyesight, cause traffic problems, less contact with people, refuse to use cellphone while crossing the streets, establish certain law, regulate bad behaviors
