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In this era it's universal to see those who cross the streeet while playing with phone .It's reported that a girl fell into a big ground hole without noticing it when she is focus on her phone,which deprived of her life.
The bad influence to cross the street while playing phone is unimaginable.It is not just a matter of yourself ,you are likely to crash down other people.what's more,it have an effect on your eyes health and brings other unexpected accidents.
Let's do something to change the grosteque behaviour and creat better social atmosphere.
fistly,we shouil hold the inexorable concept to use the phone properly,that is,to play phone at limited and certain time,in limited and certain place.To control yourself and practice it for three weeks,then you will fall into a good habit.

[460641]Crossing the Street While Playing with the Phone
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Crossing the Street While Playing with the Phone". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 现在过马路玩手机的现象屡见不鲜;
2. 危害有哪些;
3. 有什么解决办法。
increasing of using cellphone, crossing street, playing cellphone, exert negative influence on health, do bad to eyesight, cause traffic problems, less contact with people, refuse to use cellphone while crossing the streets, establish certain law, regulate bad behaviors
