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My View On Video Games

It's well-knowned that with the development of the Internet,people get in touch with the Internet more frequently than before,it did really conveniences our life.However,each coin has two sides.Nowadays,many children are addicted in video games.They play the computer games day and night and even forgrt to eat.What's more,they don't like to talk with their parents or communicate with their friends,which do harm to either their physical and psychology.Most importantly,the study of the children become worse and worse,since they spend a lot of time on it.
To escape from video games,the children should form good habits.Such as concentrating on what their are interested in like reading books.Besides,parents need to constrict the time of playing computer.Last but not least,children can go outside to paly with their friends more often.

[460649]My View on Video Games
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Video Games". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 现在很多孩子沉迷电子游戏;
2. 这对孩子的身体和心理都有影响;
3. 如何解决这个问题。
vedio games, popular among students, addict to, bad influenc on health and psychology, violent games, harmful to children both physically and mentally, undesiralbe consequences, distinguish good or bad vedio games, limit screen time
