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My view on Bravery
everyone have different views , to the kids .
whenr teacher have questiongs .to the student bravery is study hard . to the worker bravery is work hard , to the country worker, bravery is bring costs for this country .......
I think ,bravery ,when others need you that you can stand up and help others . but bravery is not only help others it need handsome ,for example have a kid have a cold ,you can help her that you how to do .
How to as a Braverier ,one have a handsomer ,when have emrgency thing you can use your brave thing how to do .and bring good thing .

[460561]My View on Bravery
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Bravery". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    
1. 大家对勇敢有不同的看法;
2. 你对勇敢的定义;
3. 如何做一个勇敢的人。"
bravery, firemen, soldiers, policmen, protect others, service, aid, face difficulties, solve problem, helpful for people, definition of bravery, brave person
