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My view on Wechat
Wechat almost become the usualy progumant in cellphone.For exsample,if you want to get somebody message,you can use Wechat hower it's free.Wechat can be use to send some informations,news,weather reoprt,ect.Even people in the house you can konws nearly everything,sounds amazing Butit's truth.
And why?It's included three points.One,Weshat can help people complete lots of things,such as booking something or recept infomations.Two,it bring something different for Internet,better.At last,it's a new vivsion for lives,and people feelling freash.
To my opinion,I think that is a good news to us,because affter Wechat coming ,all of things have big change and easy to live.Acctally,Wechat is a tool only and don't beilive
all of it.

[460469]My View on “Wechat”
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Wechat". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    

1. 近年来微信非常流行;
2. 这种现象背后的原因;
3. 你的看法。
Wechat, popular, conmunication, convenient, easy and cheap acess to internet, avoid face to face communication, save time, connect the whole world, shorten the distance of the world, disadvantage, advantage, space, reduce human contact ,estrange people,epathy
