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My View on Trust
People live in a word in which science has trus imprortance ,during their lifetime it will affect them more,and more,in time many of them work at jobs that depend heavinly on siciencs,trust is an excellent medium for teaching far more that content,it can help pupils gain to think logically,to organize and analyce ideas,for example,your idead is accepted ,others can hellp to you.
HOW are trus others ,others trus ,at least in part,because some people uniqulely adjusted to the expectations of others.and no matter how well-known those people can be haunted by sense of their own short comings

[460635]My View on Trust
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Trust". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 
1. 信任的好处;
2. 如何做一个值得他人信任的人。
truthful , reliable, responsibility, benefits of thrust, be loved by people, absence of trust, dishonesty, fail to trust people, crucial in maitaining a good relationship,credit crisis, disbelief, threat to building a harmonious society,trust is of great significance, to be a man trustworthy
