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My View on Trust
There can be no doubt that,the trust is very important part of life.If you often doing somthing when the people have trouble althouhg you konw who they are.It mean you can trust they,and they will tust you in nest time.Trust will be happy and share.My view on trust,i have give elas,When i have some problem in my work,other will trust me and help me.Whice one is mistake they help you to do.
Now,how to become who other people will trust you.There are two main reasons trust what to do.First of all,take care everone in our life.When they need to you ,soon help our best bussine.
The second reason trust important to our study,woking,training and so on.People will trust you ,our life without lay,every moment is freedom of spirit.
Above all,trust is the part of our life and important.

[460635]My View on Trust
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Trust". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 
1. 信任的好处;
2. 如何做一个值得他人信任的人。
truthful , reliable, responsibility, benefits of thrust, be loved by people, absence of trust, dishonesty, fail to trust people, crucial in maitaining a good relationship,credit crisis, disbelief, threat to building a harmonious society,trust is of great significance, to be a man trustworthy
