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Today,so many people are interesting for travelling.The reson my view is they have time and want to go out have a look.Today,we work all day for get more money,and our body are feeling so bad day after day.
We must go out with our friends or our family.It make us happy and care of our friends.If we just know to work,that we have not our time,and it make us unhappy and lose our health.We have not a group talking an At course will help the timid person to lose our fear.But at uses an even stronger motive-the need to share.
So,I love to travell with my friends or my family,it is my favorite and the most happy.

[460378]My View on Travelling
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Travelling". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:    
1. 越来越多的人对旅游感兴趣;
2. 原因是什么;
3. 我对旅游的看法。
interested in traveling, contact with nature, leisure time, holiday, afford, new perspective, enrich life experience, colorful
