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Recently, when people go to super market are required to pay for the one use shopping bags. But in years ago, the shopping bags if for free. The first time i heard there's a policy come out that the shopping bags must not given for free. i was shocked because the shapping bag is much cheaper than the price. Why the policy come out with this rule?
But now i realize, the one use shopping bag is very bad for the environment and can not disapperaed for so many years. The one use bag creater had won the Norbel Price for that, but hiis honor finally defined as the huge desaster for the envirenment. He is the wrongest people who the Norbel Price had given to.
Now a part of people want to prevent there home from damage, and many of them are willing to have a shopping bag on hand. They reject to use the one use bag which are very apprciate. But the trouble is ofent forget bring the shopping bag when go to supper market. People is creative, the shopping bag is made more and more convinient and in good loooking. We hang on our hand bag and go with it every where. Let's begin to protect our home in this small thing.

[460472]My View on Shopping with one's Shopping Bags
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "My View on Shopping with one's Shopping Bags". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 现在提倡购物自带购物袋;

2. 你的做法和建议。
shopping bag, environmental pollution, environmentally friendly, low carbon living, plastic bags, reduce pollution
