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Right Attitudu Toward Success
Someene gain successfull,t keep it on.what is the reason? in my opinion,we should have three attitude when I beeing the good person.number one:more reading ,such as you by the bus to go to work.number two,more communication with others,don't be at home when you for free.if you have enougn money ,have a trlp as ususel.you can touche more an more people or things,number three:more thingking and cheking yourslef,have a look yourself that ,where you need to do it better,where you need to change,and where it's good, you should continue keep it on.I'm working hardly everyday,maybe I can't be a successfully people,but I feeling good,because I don't waste my live everyday,it's my success in my opinion.

[460557]Right Attitude Toward Success
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Right Attitude Toward Success". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 不少人在获得成功后难以保持佳绩;
2. 原因是什么;
3. 你认为在取得成功之后,应该具有怎样的态度。
success, keep record, pressure, live up to high expectation, fail, psychological burden, right attitude to success, worship, honor, in face of failure, loser,keep on working hard
