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Many people in the life have they are each succse story.But we just see that the good in face.They give so many time and work hard to do that.To be succse is not easy,and keep on
also too diffcult.In the back,they spend too much time to read books,keep away from any play.Such as,travel,singing,or running.Almost to meet friends is not to be.Sometimes they study for very dark and sleep very less.Be my mind, to keep succse the frist is not to give up study.And go on to findout the other problems.Share your mind to your friends or parents.I think they will give you a push to go head.And need to thanks all people to help you.Succse not only give you succse,but also can tell you how to do and how to be a good person in the life.

[460557]Right Attitude Toward Success
You are to write in 100-120 words on the topic "Right Attitude Toward Success". You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:   
1. 不少人在获得成功后难以保持佳绩;
2. 原因是什么;
3. 你认为在取得成功之后,应该具有怎样的态度。
success, keep record, pressure, live up to high expectation, fail, psychological burden, right attitude to success, worship, honor, in face of failure, loser,keep on working hard
