zairian rebel 14.09   At least one Zairian rebel was wounded.
  zairian government 10.86   But the Zairian government may not be unified on this issue.
  zairian troop 9.48   The Zairian troops looted Beni before heading north.
  zairian soldier 8.95   No Zairian soldiers could be seen in the town.
  zairian army 7.64   The Zairian army have already retreated.
  zairian official 3.42   Zairian officials made no immediate comment.
  zairian capital 2.63   Ethnic tensions rise in Zairian capital.
  zairian dictator 2.57   That earlier march ended with the ouster of longtime Zairian dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.
  zairian authority 2.50   The Zairian authorities should close down this station at once.
  zairian leader 1.71   Zairian leader undergoes minor surgery.
  zairian mob 1.65   Last week he had to flee into the jungle when Zairian mobs attacked his camp.
  zairian villager 1.58   They also fear new attacks by Zairian villagers and rebel troops.
  zairian military 1.32   At the first rumor of an attack, the Zairian military fled.
  zairian president 1.25   Ailing Zairian president arrives in France.
  zairian force 1.12   Zairian military forces blocked attempts to approach the men.
  zairian town 1.05   They have apparently captured some Zairian towns.
  zairian refugee 0.99   Cholera outbreak feared among Zairian refugees.
  zairian border 0.92   They have apparently captured some Zairian border towns.
  zairian television 0.59   Zairian state television said he would return Friday.
  zairian opposition 0.53   It is not clear how Kabila and the Zairian opposition parties will get along.
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