yemeni official 13.17   Other Yemeni officials said they were Saudi.
  yemeni authority 9.28   Yemeni authorities received the letter on Saturday.
  yemeni government 6.58   The Yemeni government denied this.
  yemeni tribesman 6.25   Koolstra expressed hope that Yemeni tribesmen would stop kidnapping foreigners.
  yemeni security 5.46   Yemeni security officials interviewed each hostage in Aden.
  yemeni force 3.95   Northern Yemeni forces Monday seized the main air base in the rival south.
  yemeni leader 2.76   Yemeni leader threatens war on Eritrea.
  yemeni capital 2.44   They are now at Malaysian Embassy in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa.
  yemeni troop 2.11   The plan is for the Americans to train Yemeni troops.
  yemeni source 2.04   Its report was based on unidentified Yemeni sources.
  yemeni tribe 1.91   Each case involved a different Yemeni tribe.
  yemeni police 1.84   Yemeni police were not immediately available for comment.
  yemeni passport 1.65   She confirmed that he had arrived here on a forged Yemeni passport.
  yemeni opposition 1.45   Abdel-Qawi Makkawi, a prominent Yemeni opposition leader and former prime minister, dies of a heart attack in Cairo, Egypt.
  yemeni investigator 1.38   FBI agents have been accompanying Yemeni investigators working on the bombing.
  yemeni soldier 1.32   Yemeni soldiers approached.
  yemeni president 1.25   Yemeni president says no al-Qaida members in his country.
  yemeni counterpart 1.12   Mussa met President Ali Abdallah Saleh and his Yemeni counterpart Abdel Karim al-Iriani.
  yemeni national 1.05   I think there are two Yemeni nationals among those.
  yemeni control 0.92   The other two islands remain under Yemeni control.
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