wound be 17.05   How deep was the wound?
  wound heal 7.18   Wounds healed.
  wound appear 1.05   Her wounds appeared severe.
  wound suffer 0.92   Dipendra died three days later from gunshot wounds suffered during the shooting.
  wound fester 0.79   But a wound festers.
  wound bleed 0.66   My wounds bled a lot.
  wound remain 0.66   The wounds remain.
  wound take 0.53   Wounds take a long time to heal.
  wound sustain 0.46   Kudiratu Abiola died from gunshot wounds sustained after unknown gunmen fired on her car.
  wound begin 0.39   The wound began to ulcerate.
  wound come 0.39   That puncture wound came from a bullet.
  wound have 0.39   The war split the country asunder, and the wound has yet to heal.
  wound indicate 0.39   Wounds indicated both had struggled.
  wound require 0.39   The wound required two stitches.
  wound go 0.33   The bagel and hand wounds go together like the bagel and lox.
  wound cause 0.26   Extensive wounds can cause stem-tip dieback.
  wound cover 0.26   Shrapnel wounds covered his body.
  wound force 0.26   His wounds forced him into semi-retirement.
  wound need 0.26   The wound needs to be disinfected.
  wound reopen 0.26   Last week the wound reopened.
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