worse time 9.81   He sees worse times coming.
  worse thing 9.41   There are worse things.
  worse shape 6.71   Moffitt was in worse shape.
  worse problem 2.57   I could have worse problems.
  worse condition 2.44   State lands tend to have worse conditions for fire.
  worse place 2.24   Hey, there are worse places.
  worse news 2.17   Worse news follows.
  worse record 1.84   No country has a worse record.
  worse still 1.71   Or, worse still, has beaten your baby to death.
  worse fate 1.65   But McBride faced a worse fate.
  worse situation 1.32   There are worse situations.
  worse luck 1.25   You have even worse luck than I do.
  worse way 1.05   There are worse ways to feel.
  worse matter 0.99   To make matters worse, there are genuine pieces that have no marks.
  worse weather 0.99   It warned that worse weather was to come.
  worse violence 0.92   But they also said worse violence may develop.
  worse injury 0.79   These often cause worse injuries.
  worse lot 0.79   Lots worse.
  worse one 0.79   Then name a worse one.
  worse position 0.72   This time last year, we were in a worse position.
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