witness execution 5.53   The public witnessed the executions.
  witness incident 5.07   Bushor also witnessed the incident.
  witness attack 3.95   The public witnessed these attacks in silence.
  witness shooting 3.69   Bosanac did not witness the shooting.
  witness event 3.55   Hundreds witnessed the event.
  witness killing 3.03   I witnessed several killings.
  witness murder 2.70   Did she witness the murders?
  witness ceremony 2.50   Najib witnessed the ceremony.
  witness accident 2.17   Several people witnessed the accident.
  witness crash 2.04   Taxi driver Wendell Bullard witnessed the crash.
  witness history 2.04   You witnessed history.
  witness scene 1.71   Witness the scene Thursday.
  witness birth 1.58   We are witnessing the birth of a new era.
  witness death 1.51   Mason asked Brady to witness his death.
  witness violence 1.45   They witness violence and inflict it.
  witness change 1.25   The Nativity poems witness the change.
  witness explosion 0.99   Others, who witnessed the explosion, were bitter.
  witness fight 0.92   Except that at the march, I did not witness one fight.
  witness crime 0.86   On the other hand, now we can all say we witnessed the crime.
  witness act 0.79   The settlers, upon witnessing her act, also put down their guns.
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