windswept rain 3.82   Another surge of windswept rain will arrive along the Northwest Coast.
  windswept snow 0.72   Meanwhile, windswept snow will accumulate a few inches from the eastern Dakotas to southwestern Ontario.
  windswept shower 0.53   Windswept showers and sharply cooler conditions will cover the Southwest.
  windswept plain 0.39   The diocese, based in the windswept high plains town of Cheyenne, covers the entire state.
  windswept bluff 0.33   Developers have long eyed the windswept bluffs and waterfront location.
  windswept desert 0.26   Utility and oil workers test vital systems atop telephone poles or in windswept deserts.
  windswept hill 0.26   Apart from his court-ordered duty, he lives a solitary life in a barn on a windswept hill.
  windswept hilltop 0.26   The two stories culminated recently on a windswept hilltop here in the village of her birth.
  windswept island 0.26   Thousands of the birds live on the windswept islands off the north coast of Scotland.
  windswept plaza 0.26   His first kiss was savored in the windswept plaza that anchored the two towers.
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