wind speed 8.69   Wind speeds reached force five.
  wind gust 8.23   Wind gusts drive kickers crazy.
  wind flow 7.83   This strong wind flow to continue through Sunday.
  wind power 5.60   Wind power is soaring.
  wind direction 5.13   Check the wind direction.
  wind farm 4.15   And wind farms are relatively quick to build.
  wind shift 3.69   Cold air from Canada is just a wind shift away.
  wind condition 3.62   He said the wind conditions were perfect Sunday.
  wind turbine 3.55   Wind turbines are part of the plans.
  wind chill 3.09   Wind chill is not a factor.
  wind blow 2.76   Chill winds blow.
  wind pattern 2.63   Factors like wind patterns may influence the exact route.
  wind noise 2.17   Wind noise.
  wind resistance 1.78   A car that squats low meets less wind resistance.
  wind current 1.71   The natural wind currents can contribute to the effect, he said.
  wind machine 1.71   A lot of my dialogue is over wind machines.
  wind damage 1.65   There were no reports of flooding, wind damage or injuries.
  wind energy 1.65   Wind energy is clean.
  wind change 1.38   The wind changes.
  wind storm 1.25   A wind storm pulled the connection loose, leaving me with a lopsided light display.
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