will pay 9.08   Willing to pay any price.
  will take 8.69   Always willing to take the rap.
  will become 8.16   More funds will becoming, Lee said.
  will cut 7.83   The concrete will cut cleanly this way.
  will do 3.95   Are you willing to do that?
  will make 3.82   Are you willing to make sacrifices?
  will be 3.69   That would be ... hmmmm.
  will come 3.36   I would come home Sunday night.
  will work 2.70   There for the taking, for those willing to work hard.
  will go 2.50   Willing to go for outright winners.
  will accept 2.37   Are you willing to accept casualties?
  will run 2.37   Sonic would run around the floor in front of Jack.
  will give 2.17   Willing to give him anything...
  will help 2.17   But willing to help.
  will cost 2.11   He wanted to know how much extra that would cost.
  will spend 2.04   How much was she willing to spend?
  will talk 1.97   But will talking help?
  will sacrifice 1.58   Are they willing to sacrifice these people?
  will set 1.58   Are you willing to set your own pattern?
  will wait 1.58   Not willing to wait a year?
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