wilderness area 12.77   A lot of wilderness areas are so tiny.
  wilderness designation 1.12   Wilderness designation will no longer be an option.
  wilderness program 0.92   Invest in wilderness programs.
  wilderness experience 0.59   So much for a tranquil wilderness experience.
  wilderness land 0.53   The federal government set aside huge tracts of wilderness land.
  wilderness protection 0.53   Wilderness protection was always a long shot.
  wilderness adventure 0.46   The outfitter also offers horseback wilderness adventures.
  wilderness trip 0.46   Topographic maps should be with you on any wilderness trip.
  wilderness hike 0.33   I doubt anyone has been more happy to feel the inside of a sleeping bag than I was when my impromptu wilderness hike came to an end.
  wilderness park 0.33   His proposal is to turn the area into a wilderness park.
  wilderness beach 0.26   There are wilderness beaches punctuated by sea stacks.
  wilderness bill 0.26   The wilderness bill is still pending before the House and the Senate.
  wilderness cabin 0.26   Both Kaczynski and his brother bought wilderness cabins.
  wilderness camp 0.26   As wilderness camps go, this one is less severe than others.
  wilderness landscape 0.26   Moran is better-known in America than in Britain for his panoramic wilderness landscapes.
  wilderness permit 0.26   Visitors must obtain a wilderness hiking permit to enter the park.
  wilderness preservation 0.26   Muir was an impassioned and persuasive champion of wilderness preservation.
  wilderness school 0.26   Outward Bound is perhaps the best known of the wilderness schools.
  wilderness trail 0.26   There are foot and horseback wilderness trails in the Santa Fe National Forest.
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