wife beater 1.38   Will wife beaters be punished?
  wife abuse 0.86   This movie may be a form of wife abuse.
  wife dead 0.53   He returned about an hour later to find his wife dead, Hall said.
  wife goodbye 0.46   So he kissed his wife goodbye and rushed to the airport.
  wife inheritance 0.46   She said Kenyan laws do not support wife inheritance.
  wife team 0.46   Another successful husband and wife team were Joel and Loudette Guevara.
  wife works 0.46   Engin Ozden owns a restaurant in Istanbul while his wife works at a bank.
  wife abuser 0.33   It is the silent, stalking marauder in the dark or the bullying repressive wife abuser who are to be feared.
  wife hostage 0.33   Somebody is holding your wife hostage.
  wife battery 0.26   Men stay all day in their prefabricated homes or tents, leading to an increase in wife battery and pregnancies, doctors and social workers say.
  wife day 0.26   Attached to his will was a letter he had written to his wife just days before his death.
  wife home 0.26   He was driving his wife home from a Bible class on the night he was murdered.
  wife life 0.26   His first wife lives in another state, said Ben Stool, assistant district attorney for Bosque County, where Meridian is located.
  wife minister 0.26   Yadav immediately appointed his wife chief minister but he continues to wield enormous power even as his trial continues.
  wife plan 0.26   As for a possible lovey-dovey musical collaboration, Robison said he and his wife plan to take their time.
  wife return 0.26   Robertson was to meet Putin at the Egmont Palace Wednesday afternoon before Putin and his wife return home.
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