whirlwind tour 4.74   A whirlwind tour of Europe?
  whirlwind visit 1.45   She capped her whirlwind visit with a frantic run on Saturday.
  whirlwind trip 1.38   The candidate said it was his idea to make the whirlwind trip.
  whirlwind romance 1.32   It was a whirlwind romance.
  whirlwind schedule 0.79   Brown has had a whirlwind schedule.
  whirlwind courtship 0.72   After a whirlwind courtship, John asked Cindy to marry him.
  whirlwind day 0.66   The request came during a whirlwind day of legal action spanning the state.
  whirlwind week 0.59   It has been a whirlwind week for Ron Sutter.
  whirlwind pace 0.39   Our whirlwind pace was draining.
  whirlwind campaign 0.33   After the convention, Dole plans to launch a whirlwind campaign tour Friday from San Diego.
  whirlwind year 0.33   And a whirlwind year it was.
  whirlwind weekend 0.26   It had been a whirlwind weekend, the capper to a whirlwind month.
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