weathered face 1.25   He is a short, wiry fellow with a weathered pink face.
  weathered wood 0.72   They feature a lot of weathered wood and lattice work.
  weathered attack 0.39   She has weathered frequent attacks from both parties.
  weathered barn 0.39   After Burleson called them, the ponies emerged from a weathered barn.
  weathered storm 0.39   Firestone has weathered storms before, he said, and it will bounce back.
  weathered material 0.33   The interface between weathered material and unweathered bedrock is known as the weathering front.
  weathered shingle 0.33   Overhead is a portico of weathered shingles and beyond that a milk-and-water sky.
  weathered crisis 0.26   All have weathered family crises this year, from divorce to unemployment.
  weathered gray 0.26   Some are weathered gray, like driftwood.
  weathered hand 0.26   Weathered hands place a crucifix and the statue on top.
  weathered house 0.26   There are museums and weathered old shingled houses and antique shops galore.
  weathered look 0.26   What can I do to get that nice weathered look?
  weathered man 0.26   A weathered man in a Tweety Bird wool cap opens the Burger King door for me.
  weathered tombstone 0.26   A weathered tombstone adorned with plastic roses.
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