weaken yen 9.41   That weakens the yen.
  weaken currency 5.73   Lower rates often weakens a currency.
  weaken dollar 4.67   And that can weaken the dollar.
  weaken demand 3.75   Beef demand could be weakened by the financial problems in Asia.
  weaken position 3.69   This weakened his position as a symbol of the national struggle.
  weaken economy 2.63   That could reduce Argentine exports and weaken the economy.
  weaken mark 2.50   That weakened the mark and helped boost the dollar more.
  weaken peso 2.50   That could weaken the peso.
  weaken protection 2.50   -- Weakens patent protection for software developers.
  weaken government 2.30   But his government was weakened and discredited internationally.
  weaken case 2.24   This move weakens the case for a separate legislature at Stormont.
  weaken power 2.24   This, too, would weaken the powers of chairmen.
  weaken support 2.17   They said it might also weaken support for international sanctions on Iraq.
  weaken authority 1.97   Dropping the case could weaken his authority.
  weaken resolve 1.97   The recent setbacks have not weakened our resolve.
  weaken law 1.91   Speer wanted the law weakened.
  weaken party 1.91   It does not weaken the party at all.
  weaken chance 1.78   The result weakens his chances for the candidacy, Rouvier said.
  weaken price 1.71   An anticipted rise in Australian output also weakened prices.
  weaken franc 1.65   That also would tend to weaken the franc.
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