watch list 9.22   One group on her watch list was the Tung On gang.
  watch tower 2.17   The camp is surrounded by half a dozen watch towers.
  watch television 1.91   All I could do was watch television.
  watch group 1.58   Many belong to a neighborhood watch group.
  watch area 1.38   Watch area extends to Virginia state line.
  watch face 0.92   They carefully placed black tape over watch faces and whistles.
  watch scheme 0.86   There are neighbourhood watch schemes and informal baby-minding groups.
  watch company 0.79   His main sponsor is the European watch company Sector.
  watch battery 0.66   The wrist unit uses a standard watch battery.
  watch industry 0.66   At the moment, the watch industry is very quiet.
  watch chain 0.59   He wore a tarnished watch chain across his waistcoat.
  watch program 0.53   In some black townships, neighbors form clean-up committees to spruce up their surroundings, and neighborhood watch programs are common.
  watch commander 0.46   Not a watch commander.
  watch shop 0.46   Two shop attendants from the watch shop went with Asun to the hotel.
  watch box 0.39   This noun, also written watch box, denotes the box-shaped geographical areas under threat of storm.
  watch business 0.39   Fashion is a business, but not a Swiss watch business.
  watch dog 0.39   But he was no good as a watch dog.
  watch video 0.39   We have to work on our system, watch video.
  watch brand 0.33   Tag Heuer is the fifth largest Swiss watch brand worldwide.
  watch captain 0.33   On the ground, Lt. Glen Jones, the watch captain, starts calling in reserves.
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