warship be 3.75   German warships are also in the region.
  warship fire 1.18   Warships fire into a darkening sky.
  warship patrol 1.18   One Canadian warship patrols Adriatic.
  warship arrive 0.86   Two Australian warships arrive off Christmas Island as refugees await transfer.
  warship leave 0.86   The warship left France in late March.
  warship sail 0.86   Two British warships sailed close to the coast of Kuwait.
  warship begin 0.59   Italian warships began patrolling Albanian waters.
  warship dock 0.59   Two other warships docked off the port of Famagusta.
  warship take 0.59   Fourteen warships have taken up positions off the coast of the Caribbean nation.
  warship visit 0.53   NATO warships visit Ukrainian port RETRANSMITTING to restore AP logo.
  warship have 0.46   The Japanese warships have yet to leave their base in southern Japan.
  warship approach 0.39   Iran said a British warship also approached the exercises and then moved away.
  warship pass 0.39   Two British warships passed through the Suez Canal on Sunday, heading south, Canal officials said.
  warship threaten 0.39   Last July, an Iranian warship threatened to fire on an Azeri oil survey vessel there.
  warship cruise 0.33   An Israeli warship cruised off the coast as the aircraft attacked.
  warship escort 0.33   U.S. warships escorted supply ships from Taiwan to keep the island supplied with ammunition.
  warship bombard 0.26   Sri Lankan warships bombarded a Tamil Tiger rebel base on the northeastern coast early Wednesday, a naval official said.
  warship join 0.26   Three other warships joined the Roosevelt.
  warship refuel 0.26   Three other U.S. warships have refueled there since last May, Clark said.
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