warm heart 5.40   It warms the heart.
  warm hand 2.17   We warmed our hands over the fire.
  warm air 1.45   The sun is gently warming the air.
  warm oil 1.05   Warm the oil in a medium skillet.
  warm relation 0.99   In turn, Taiwan has warmed relations with North Korea.
  warm water 0.92   El Nino tends to bring with it warm waters.
  warm room 0.86   Her smile warms the room.
  warm atmosphere 0.79   Efforts to warm the atmosphere vary from place to place.
  warm weather 0.72   Harvesting began early in Bordeaux as well, due to unseasonably warm weather.
  warm plate 0.66   Transfer to warm soup plates.
  warm bench 0.59   He was on the Yale baseball team, but he warmed the bench.
  warm house 0.59   Never warm a house with a natural gas or propane oven.
  warm cockle 0.53   It warms the cockles and gladdens the heart.
  warm planet 0.53   An invisible gas people exhale is warming the planet.
  warm earth 0.46   Is human activity warming the earth?
  warm sauce 0.39   Ladle warmed sauce onto plates or a platter.
  warm soil 0.39   Some gardeners warm the soil with black plastic to get an earlier start, but that takes lots of plastic.
  warm bone 0.33   The Sun began to warm the bones.
  warm cream 0.33   Warm the cream.
  warm foot 0.33   I sit on a log next to the fire, trying to warm my feet.
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