walking distance 15.27   Everything is within walking distance.
  walking tour 13.43   He wants to make it a walking tour.
  walking shoe 4.21   Great walking shoe.
  walking boot 2.04   Off the field, he wears a walking boot.
  walking trail 1.91   Walking trails connect the two.
  walking cast 1.71   He watched practice in a walking cast Saturday.
  walking advertisement 1.32   Subscribers are walking advertisements.
  walking path 0.99   Roseland has agreed to develop a walking path around the lake.
  walking billboard 0.92   A lot of us have become walking billboards.
  walking encyclopedia 0.86   When it comes to show-biz lore, Burns is a walking encyclopedia.
  walking pneumonia 0.86   And then they said walking pneumonia.
  walking cane 0.79   John Wheatley and his walking cane.
  walking city 0.79   San Francisco always was a walking city.
  walking trip 0.79   And was Odell tired from her walking trip?
  walking pace 0.72   Traffic slowed to a walking pace.
  walking program 0.72   He and Aida continue a walking program for aerobic benefits.
  walking ring 0.59   The walking ring at Saratoga in August.
  walking short 0.59   Walters was found with his walking shorts pulled down to his ankles.
  walking speed 0.53   BR will drive trains over the bridge at walking speed.
  walking batter 0.46   Walking batters.
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