waiting period 21.46   A waiting period?
  waiting car 9.87   The gunman fled in a waiting car.
  waiting time 9.41   Build in plenty of waiting time.
  waiting area 5.99   The waiting area was air-conditioned.
  waiting ambulance 4.74   Yassin was moved into a waiting ambulance.
  waiting reporter 4.54   Neither spoke to waiting reporters.
  waiting bus 2.83   The detainee then climbed onto a waiting bus.
  waiting van 1.97   They led Jim Bowers and his son to a waiting white van.
  waiting limousine 1.84   But Vaughn said nothing as he ducked into a waiting limousine.
  waiting journalist 1.51   He beamed a smile at waiting journalists.
  waiting line 1.51   On weekends, waiting lines for a table are over an hour.
  waiting table 1.45   Waiting tables?
  waiting crowd 1.38   Some members of the waiting crowd were disappointed.
  waiting helicopter 1.38   He rushed to a waiting helicopter.
  waiting police 1.12   Within seconds, he was bundled into a waiting police car.
  waiting truck 1.12   Finally they heaved the trussed piglet into a waiting truck.
  waiting passenger 0.99   The waiting passengers, however, were dripping with snow.
  waiting vehicle 0.92   The assailant escaped in a waiting vehicle.
  waiting arm 0.72   Most often it was into the waiting arms and hands of a Packer.
  waiting patient 0.72   Meanwhile, the list of waiting patients is growing fast.
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