wait turn 14.48   Jelani had to wait his turn.
  wait minute 9.28   Wait a minute!
  wait year 5.86   Wait a year.
  wait table 5.13   Waited tables.
  wait hour 4.48   Imagine Hitler waiting an hour!
  wait day 4.28   You wait a day.
  wait month 3.55   I had to wait a month on that.
  wait while 3.42   Wait a while.
  wait week 3.36   But wait a week.
  wait time 2.37   Wait your time.
  wait moment 1.97   But wait a moment.
  wait more 1.65   It waited two more years before making a pass at Wachovia.
  wait second 1.65   Wait a second!
  wait couple 1.38   Well, wait a couple of news cycles.
  wait long 1.05   Alas, hardly anyone can wait that long to open it.
  wait decade 0.79   She also waited decades to be able to sing again.
  wait period 0.79   Investors normally wait long periods for these services due to bureaucratic red tape.
  wait average 0.72   The winner then must wait an average of two weeks to take possession of the shares.
  wait line 0.53   The company also grappled with long waiting lines at the cash register.
  wait half-hour 0.46   They are only required to wait a half-hour.
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