vote in 155.30   Gee, can I vote in Gilbert?
  vote with 38.38   And vote with your seat.
  vote in_favor_of 23.90   Lazio voted in favor of it.
  vote by 18.04   You can vote by proxy.
  vote down 14.15   The owners voted down the move.
  vote at 11.92   Phillips will vote at the meeting.
  vote to 10.93   Will he be voted to the team?
  vote into 9.22   It was eventually voted into law.
  vote as 6.25   Women do not vote as a block.
  vote in_favour_of 4.81   Finland has already voted in favour of joining.
  vote off 4.74   Cody was voted off the island last week.
  vote along 3.36   Everyone else voted along party lines.
  vote after 2.44   The board would vote after the union.
  vote from 2.44   They voted from their gut.
  vote upon 2.30   The position is voted upon and governed by the owners.
  vote before 2.24   Cardoso voted just before noon in Sao Paulo.
  vote through 1.84   Party members will continue voting through Saturday.
  vote during 1.71   Everyone would vote during first period.
  vote on 1.71   I appreciate the fans voting me on that All-Century team.
  vote without 1.45   No one can vote without the card.
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