volcano erupt 4.74   Q. Why do volcanoes erupt?
  volcano be 3.62   On Maui, volcanoes are the worry.
  volcano spew 1.65   The volcano spewed hot ash.
  volcano begin 1.12   Many volcanoes begin bulging noticeably prior to an eruption.
  volcano threaten 0.86   Rumbling volcano threatens island.
  volcano belch 0.66   Voyager data also showed that the volcanoes belch sulfurous fumes.
  volcano become 0.59   Volcanoes became a theme.
  volcano produce 0.59   He added that scientists did not expect the volcano to produce lava flows.
  volcano cause 0.53   Volcanoes can also cause tsunamis.
  volcano rumble 0.53   The volcano is rumbling.
  volcano appear 0.46   On Sunday and Monday, the volcano appeared relatively calm.
  volcano continue 0.46   The volcano continues to spew smoke and ash.
  volcano have 0.46   To them, the volcanoes have a mythical dimension.
  volcano pose 0.46   The California volcanoes probably pose no immediate threats.
  volcano calm_down 0.39   The volcano had calmed down over the past two days, but grew restive overnight.
  volcano blow 0.33   But predicting if and when a volcano will blow is impossible.
  volcano come 0.33   The volcano came to life a week ago.
  volcano explode 0.33   Three days later, the volcano exploded.
  volcano form 0.33   Some have blamed chlorine gas formed by volcanoes for the problem.
  volcano remain 0.33   But she said the volcano remains active.
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