vital role 14.35   Motors and fans played a vital role.
  vital part 11.13   Language is a vital part of culture.
  vital information 8.82   How will the company get to vital information?
  vital interest 8.82   What are our vital interests?
  vital organ 7.11   It had destroyed vital organs.
  vital supply 4.74   Container ships with vital supplies are stranded on the high seas.
  vital importance 4.28   The function is of vital importance.
  vital issue 4.28   The other vital issue is money.
  vital link 4.08   It is a vital link in the auto supply chain.
  vital element 2.96   Presentation is not a vital element.
  vital function 2.90   All his vital functions and blood pressure were normal.
  vital service 2.90   Vital services are what gives.
  vital aid 2.57   Vital aid to refugees blocked in eastern Zaire.
  vital road 2.50   The enemy bombs hit our most vital roads with deadly accuracy.
  vital step 2.37   Software standards are a vital step toward a voice-enabled Internet.
  vital clue 2.24   Police have found a vital clue.
  vital ingredient 2.24   But there is another vital ingredient.
  vital source 2.24   The forest was a vital source of timber.
  vital component 2.17   He said law enforcement was a vital component of tourism.
  vital point 2.04   Les Ferdinand gave league-leading Newcastle a vital point.
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