violin music 1.38   Violin music wafted from the Palm Court.
  violin concerto 1.32   A violin concerto is in progress.
  violin lesson 1.05   My mother wants me to take violin lessons.
  violin case 0.92   Her violin case was at her feet.
  violin soloist 0.86   Ron Oakland was the violin soloist.
  violin maker 0.79   It salutes the virtuosity of David Orlin, master violin bow maker.
  violin solo 0.79   Stern stopped them and pointed out the violin solo.
  violin section 0.66   There are demonic violin sections.
  violin teacher 0.46   I am only a violinist and a violin teacher.
  violin virtuoso 0.46   The piece was played by violin virtuoso Pavel Sporcl.
  violin prodigy 0.39   Vengerov makes transition from violin prodigy to success.
  violin bow 0.33   Around the corner, their classmates practiced pulling small-fry violin bows across squeaky strings.
  violin expert 0.33   He said radiologists and violin experts would have to be taught to read the scans.
  violin player 0.33   It looked too much like a violin player.
  violin shop 0.33   Then last January, the university got an unexpected call from the owner of a Petaluma, Calif. violin shop.
  violin sonata 0.33   Pierre Amoyal and Jeremy Menuhin commissioned her to write a violin sonata.
  violin string 0.33   All she wanted to do was scrape the resin from her violin strings.
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