violence in 223.77   The violence in Georgia continues.
  violence against 79.00   History of violence against women.
  violence on 34.83   Is there too much violence on television?
  violence by 33.51   Arab officials spoke of violence by Israeli troops.
  violence between 32.32   Violence between the two groups erupted recently.
  violence of 16.85   Random violence of so many types.
  violence as 15.27   Domestic violence as a happy ending.
  violence at 14.81   But there had been no violence at Magara.
  violence from 12.71   Violence from the Palestinians?
  violence during 12.31   Police reported no violence during the protest.
  violence to 8.95   VIOLENCE Only to the heart.
  violence for 8.49   They promised to end the violence for good.
  violence among 7.31   Violence among inmates is the leading cause of death.
  violence with 6.45   He advocated fighting violence with violence.
  violence over 6.39   So much violence over here is episodic.
  violence after 6.19   Arafat condemned the violence after Friday prayers.
  violence since 6.19   There has been sporadic violence since then.
  violence before 2.90   Rebels intensify violence before elections.
  violence across 2.83   Meanwhile, there were reports of new violence across Algeria.
  violence around 2.83   RECASTS, UPDATES with violence around the country,
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