vintage car 3.23   Smoother roads await vintage car rally.
  vintage wine 2.37   Pour nonvintage wines before vintage wines.
  vintage clothing 2.24   Vintage clothing.
  vintage performance 1.45   This year, they turned in a vintage performance.
  vintage photograph 1.12   These are the vintage photographs prized by museums and collectors.
  vintage port 1.05   Stilton and vintage port?
  vintage aircraft 0.99   Military jets, vintage aircraft, aerobatics and a ground display.
  vintage chart 0.79   So vintage charts do have a place.
  vintage store 0.79   Her biggest passion is flea markets, vintage stores and bric-a-brac.
  vintage film 0.72   A series of vintage camp films.
  vintage plane 0.72   Andy builds replicas of vintage planes.
  vintage print 0.72   But vintage prints are not all equal.
  vintage clothes 0.66   Cate sells vintage clothes for a living.
  vintage furniture 0.66   Shop flea markets for vintage furniture.
  vintage piece 0.66   Vintage pieces are the icing on the cake.
  vintage photo 0.59   Overhead are a pair of screens onto which vintage photos are projected.
  vintage champagne 0.53   More immediately, the winner will receive a bottle of vintage champagne.
  vintage fabric 0.53   There were vintage fabric samples.
  vintage style 0.53   Despite his eventful week, Clemens came out in vintage style.
  vintage airplane 0.46   And what about those vintage airplanes that keep appearing?
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