villager say 27.78   Villagers say hundreds were killed.
  villager be 11.85   But villagers are wary.
  villager flee 6.06   Villagers fled in panic.
  villager have 4.74   The villagers had machetes and axes.
  villager tell 4.21   Then villagers told visiting reporters their story.
  villager take 2.96   Villagers take refuge in capital.
  villager find 2.63   Villager finds everyone dead.
  villager report 2.50   Villagers report heavy civilian casualties.
  villager try 2.17   Villagers were trying to rescue the others.
  villager complain 2.11   A villager bitterly complained of official apathy.
  villager begin 1.84   And some villagers have begun to turn in their would-be benefactors.
  villager claim 1.84   Villagers claim ownership of the land.
  villager return 1.84   Gajevi so villagers can return.
  villager believe 1.65   Villagers believe it may be the makings of a shrine.
  villager die 1.65   It said one villager died from the tear gas.
  villager use 1.58   Many villagers are using boats to get around.
  villager accuse 1.25   The paper said villagers accused him of being a sorcerer.
  villager come 1.18   Villagers came out and waved.
  villager see 1.18   Villagers last saw the sun in mid-October.
  villager fear 1.05   Now the villagers fear reprisal attacks.
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