victorian house 5.60   Six rooms in restored Victorian house.
  victorian era 3.75   Such was the case with the Victorian era.
  victorian time 2.37   The book was set in Victorian times.
  victorian mansion 2.11   ...a splendid Victorian mansion.
  victorian home 1.65   A recent wave of renovations of Victorian homes has helped.
  victorian age 1.32   That could well have stood as the credo of the Victorian age.
  victorian building 1.25   There are many impressive Victorian buildings here in Hebden Bridge.
  victorian value 1.12   We hear a lot about returning to Victorian values.
  victorian government 0.92   It could also leave the Victorian government liable for legal and financial penalties.
  victorian style 0.86   The Victorian styles went down very well with the Japanese buyers.
  victorian period 0.79   The Victorian period was waning, sex was back in vogue.
  victorian architecture 0.72   He was known to be interested in Victorian architecture.
  victorian furniture 0.66   So he switched to buying old radios, telephones and Victorian furniture.
  victorian state 0.66   Saratoga would remain in its fairly-well-kept Victorian state.
  victorian costume 0.59   Victorian costumes encouraged.
  victorian woman 0.59   A Victorian woman posed by an urn.
  victorian ideal 0.46   Her independent spirit was far from the Victorian ideal of womanhood.
  victorian painting 0.46   Victorian painting is enjoying a vogue.
  victorian city 0.39   It need not surprise anybody that Victorian cities were unhealthy places.
  victorian lady 0.39   Was it a symbol of her discontent as a Victorian lady?
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