venezuelan stock 10.60   Venezuelan stocks rose this week as interest rates declined.
  venezuelan share 6.71   How cheap are Venezuelan shares?
  venezuelan government 5.79   The Venezuelan government holds the rest.
  venezuelan official 4.08   Venezuelan officials do not deny the accusations.
  venezuelan company 3.55   Both are closely held Venezuelan companies.
  venezuelan oil 2.90   Lake Maracaibo is the center of the Venezuelan oil industry.
  venezuelan equity 2.70   That has sparked further interest in Venezuelan equities.
  venezuelan law 2.50   Venezuelan law prohibits trials in absentia.
  venezuelan authority 2.44   The claims were never recognized by Venezuelan mining authorities.
  venezuelan president 2.17   Chavez was later sworn-in as Venezuelan president.
  venezuelan border 1.45   Both attacks this week were in Arauca, near the Venezuelan border.
  venezuelan leader 1.38   Troops still loyal to the Venezuelan leader brought him back to power two days later.
  venezuelan carrier 1.12   Four Venezuelan carriers now fly to the U.S.
  venezuelan currency 1.05   The Venezuelan currency, the bolivar, has floated freely since then.
  venezuelan police 1.05   But the church did not report him to Venezuelan police.
  venezuelan society 1.05   Uslar Pietri never tired of commenting on Venezuelan society and politics.
  venezuelan bond 0.99   Venezuelan bonds also plunged.
  venezuelan politics 0.92   But he did turn Venezuelan politics topsy-turvy.
  venezuelan television 0.92   Venezuelan national television showed them climbing out and waving to relatives.
  venezuelan investor 0.79   The fall has led Venezuelan investors to liquidate their holdings and buy shares, traders said.
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