varied background 1.58   The students and their varied backgrounds also liven things up.
  varied diet 1.45   We try to eat a more varied diet.
  varied career 1.32   Gibson had a widely varied career.
  varied group 1.05   In truth, they are a varied group.
  varied interest 0.92   As a result, her varied interests will have to be dealt with one-by-one.
  varied selection 0.79   Now they sell a much more varied selection.
  varied lot 0.72   US Moslems are a varied lot.
  varied response 0.66   Consumers greeted reports of the plans Wednesday with varied responses.
  varied experience 0.59   Alderson, Watson said, is a good man with varied experience.
  varied programme 0.59   The varied programme included a breathing session by Ruth Rolph.
  varied range 0.59   The best supporting actor nominees have a varied range of film experience.
  varied color 0.53   Come June, Artistry will introduce its varied colors in lipstick.
  varied form 0.53   The female intrusion into male parts takes varied forms.
  varied menu 0.53   Another factor is the increasingly varied menu.
  varied source 0.53   The authors endeavour to obtain specimens from as varied sources as possible.
  varied style 0.53   Few cities can compare with the varied architectural styles found here.
  varied terrain 0.53   Five multi-mission campaigns across varied terrains.
  varied activity 0.46   We want lots of sun and varied activities.
  varied level 0.46   A dimmer switch allows varied light levels.
  varied life 0.46   Jay has lived what can only be described as a varied life.
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