variable cloudiness 14.61   Friday variable cloudiness.
  variable annuity 13.36   A variable annuity.
  variable cloud 8.43   Tonight ... Variable clouds.
  variable rate 4.61   ...a variable rate of interest.
  variable analysis 1.65   This cannot be assumed so easily in variable analysis.
  variable morning 1.58   Variable morning clouds.
  variable speed 0.99   The drill has variable speeds.
  variable transmission 0.99   Remember the continuously variable transmission?
  variable life 0.59   Buying variable life is a natural extension.
  variable quality 0.59   Gozitan wine is cheap but just recently has been of variable quality.
  variable afternoon 0.46   Partly cloudy, except for variable afternoon clouds.
  variable information 0.39   This relationship may depend on the amount of variable information in the scene.
  variable amount 0.33   Variable amounts of cloudiness and sunshine will prevail across the region this afternoon.
  variable length 0.33   Binary tree to generate variable length codes Fig.
  variable loan 0.33   During her time in school, interest rates on the variable loans have shot up, she told the president.
  variable name 0.33   Variable names must start with a letter.
  variable pay 0.33   More variable pay might also increase the incentive for employees to raise their productivity.
  variable result 0.33   Swabs of pharyngeal mucus give variable results and repeated sampling may be necessary.
  variable wind 0.33   Light variable wind.
  variable compensation 0.26   In recent years, more companies have used variable compensation.
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