valid reason 7.57   No valid reason was given.
  valid passport 4.61   A valid passport is required.
  valid visa 3.88   He said the men held valid Chinese visas.
  valid point 3.29   Valid point.
  valid travel 2.70   Without valid travel documents, Ari cannot be deported.
  valid claim 2.50   Those with valid claims will be allowed to stay.
  valid license 2.44   -- Does the facility have a valid license?
  valid vote 2.37   Standards differ about what constitutes a valid vote.
  valid permit 1.32   He noted that no suicide bombings had been carried out by laborers with valid permits.
  valid argument 1.18   Is that a valid argument?
  valid concern 1.18   Are those valid concerns?
  valid document 1.18   But Abubakar said they had no valid documents to back their story.
  valid contract 1.12   They had a valid contract of temporary marriage.
  valid module 1.12   Please supply a valid module name.
  valid way 1.05   It is recognized that there are many valid ways of growing older.
  valid work 0.99   But only those with valid work permits will be allowed to be redeployed.
  valid criticism 0.86   Is that a valid criticism?
  valid excuse 0.86   And is it a valid excuse?
  valid package 0.86   Please supply a valid package name.
  valid comparison 0.79   There is no valid comparison with drugs.
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