urge caution 17.97   Belk urged caution.
  urge authority 13.82   Jugovic urged Yugoslav authorities to hurry.
  urge restraint 12.38   But he urged restraint.
  urge people 10.66   The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel.
  urge end 7.70   Doctors urge an end to the practice.
  urge action 7.31   He urged prompt action.
  urge government 6.98   The Bureau urged the government to do more to curb inflation, the agency said.
  urge calm 4.41   He urged calm.
  urge boycott 4.28   Two urged a boycott of the meeting.
  urge support 4.02   Palestinian leader urges support for peace.
  urge passage 2.96   They urged the passage of clean air laws.
  urge patience 2.83   He urged patience.
  urge cooperation 2.76   Ambassador Qin Huasun urged cooperation among council members.
  urge country 2.76   Schreyer urged candidate countries, in particular Poland, to bejoins.
  urge leader 2.70   Kono is also expected to again urge Chinese leaders to halt nuclear testing.
  urge reform 2.70   Reforms are urged and adopted.
  urge change 2.63   Cardinal urges changes at home.
  urge resident 2.50   Rebel officials urged residents of the capital to remain inside.
  urge release 2.37   US urges release of Kaunda.
  urge effort 2.17   He urged greater efforts to stop stimulants use.
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