upward trend 12.05   Inflation is on an upward trend.
  upward pressure 11.32   But the upward pressure was weak.
  upward revision 6.45   The upward revision was larger than expected.
  upward mobility 4.81   That is upward mobility.
  upward momentum 3.75   But it lost its upward momentum later amid profit-taking.
  upward movement 3.23   With the strike, all upward movement has stopped.
  upward spiral 1.97   Spending on law enforcement began a slow upward spiral.
  upward march 1.84   Now medical costs have resumed their upward march.
  upward climb 1.18   Mortgages rates have been on an upward climb.
  upward curve 1.12   But they are moving on an upward curve.
  upward swing 1.12   Will the upward swing last?
  upward move 0.86   Other recent upward moves by Hispanics chronicle the changes.
  upward path 0.86   All overhead doors travel in their upward path along metal tracks.
  upward trajectory 0.79   He looks for the upward trajectory that defines a curveball.
  upward price 0.66   Reports of upward price pressure were limited.
  upward adjustment 0.59   Implicit in this new higher growth rate is an upward adjustment in the productivity growth rate.
  upward bias 0.59   So we should be in a trading range this week with an upward bias on prices.
  upward spike 0.53   Drug use is down, despite a recent upward spike.
  upward expansion 0.46   But Glavine has no desire to take advantage of the upward expansion in the strike zone.
  upward blip 0.39   With the exception of an upward blip last August, output has been falling sharply for almost a year.
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