upstairs bedroom 4.08   Scully was found in an upstairs bedroom.
  upstairs room 3.29   Her parents shut her in an upstairs room.
  upstairs window 3.23   The fiance leaped from an upstairs window.
  upstairs apartment 1.32   Marsani moved into the upstairs apartment.
  upstairs bathroom 1.32   The upstairs bathroom is the pits!
  upstairs office 1.25   I beat a retreat to my upstairs office.
  upstairs neighbor 0.99   He spoke of his upstairs neighbors.
  upstairs porch 0.59   Summer nights, Stella and I share a hammock on the upstairs sleeping porch.
  upstairs bar 0.53   Smoking in the upstairs bar only.
  upstairs gallery 0.53   Upstairs galleries detail the history, culture, politics and ecology of fishing in Gloucester.
  upstairs floor 0.39   The upstairs floor took several hits.
  upstairs hall 0.39   Second time, the light in the upstairs hall had inexplicably quit working.
  upstairs landing 0.39   Four rebels watched us from an upstairs landing.
  upstairs study 0.39   On the wall of her upstairs study are framed letters from Dan Rather and the late Alex Haley.
  upstairs flat 0.33   Once it starts that upstairs flat.
  upstairs hallway 0.33   She climbed the steps and proceeded along the upstairs hallway.
  upstairs quarter 0.33   In the upstairs living quarters, Bush, wife Laura and his parents sat around a fireplace.
  upstairs area 0.26   A small sitting room serves as an upstairs common area.
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