upscale neighborhood 6.65   Only half live in upscale neighborhoods.
  upscale restaurant 5.60   The upscale restaurants are now empty.
  upscale hotel 2.83   A small upscale hotel in Cottonwood Falls.
  upscale suburb 2.50   Is Rockdale any different than any other upscale American suburb?
  upscale market 1.78   Upscale family markets.
  upscale store 1.78   They were employees at the upscale store.
  upscale retailer 1.71   Downtown is a mixed bag of upscale retailers and discount stores.
  upscale shop 1.38   The town has a vibrant downtown, with upscale shops and cafes.
  upscale community 1.32   Four golf courses are planned for the upscale community.
  upscale resort 1.32   The conflict is familiar in upscale resort towns.
  upscale home 1.25   Company matches housesitters with upscale homes.
  upscale area 1.05   Both families lived in the upscale Belle Haven area of Greenwich.
  upscale district 1.05   It was whisked to a meeting with Milosevic at his residence in an upscale Belgrade district.
  upscale mall 1.05   In Mexico City, upscale malls bustled again.
  upscale version 0.86   An upscale version, the LHS, comes next spring.
  upscale brand 0.72   He repositioned Shiner as an upscale brand.
  upscale supermarket 0.72   Available at upscale supermarkets and specialty stores.
  upscale boutique 0.66   Upscale boutiques and shopping centers?
  upscale development 0.66   Now it is dominated by upscale development.
  upscale apartment 0.59   On a recent call to an upscale apartment near central Moscow, a young woman moaned and shouted from her bedroom.
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